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New products from Silica fibers.

We are preparing for you the new products from Silica fibers, which can be used up to 1000°C. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking for an employee

Become a part of our company, for more information contact us on mail

GRANT EU - Marketing 2

After the first successful project, the company is implementing another project "Foreign trade fairs of the company KOBE-cz s.r.o.", reg. no. CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/18_244/0017993, which is co-financed from the operational program Entrepreneurship and innovation for competitiveness, i.e. from sources European Union.

As part of this project, KOBE-cz s.r.o. will participate in 5 foreign fairs. These are fairs that are oriented towards the latest development of products from technical and non-woven textiles.

The aim of the project is to increase the international competitiveness of the company.

Dotace EU

Inquiry form




+420 777 665 068

+420 731 969 680



Plant address:

U Sladovny 430, 671 25 Hodonice

Contact person: František Beno

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 7.00 - 15.00

KOBE-cz s.r.o. is registered at the Regional Court in Brno under the file name
C 42772.

VAT: CZ26305101

We are VAT payers.